Thursday 28 August 2008

Wii are Going For Gold

Whilst Britain have been winning Gold in Bejiing 1st 4 Cruising have been getting into the olympic spirit in the office too!!

Loving their chocolate medals and fortune cookies they have been working hard towards securing all the bookings they can for the Complete Cruise Solution Olympics Competition.


Friday 22 August 2008

It's a FAB Friday in the office!!

With the Bank Holiday weekend to look forward to spirits were running high in the Sales Team Office. Unfortunately though not long into the day the air-conditioning broke sending the office into high temperatures!

With no hope of it being fixed until Tuesday next week enthusiasm and energy was running low with concentration becoming a bit of a struggle!

In a bid to try and cool everyone down Sales Director, Giles Hawke kindly bought the whole office FAB Lollies!!

With energies restored everything was back on track!!

Tuesday 19 August 2008

Lorraine Reveals All in Her Drawer!!

For everyone that has ever meet the fitness queen of CCS, you would know that all she lives off is salad, carrots and the occasional vodka!!

But what a suprise when someone caught Lorraine going in to her drawers to find that they were filled with crisps!!!