Monday 23 March 2009

Carnival UK doing something funny for money!!

The Carnival UK call centre opened it's telephone lines on the evening of Friday 13th March between 7pm and midnight to take donations on behalf of Comic Relief.

We had an amazing response with over 100 volunteers giving up their Friday evening to help. We also welcomed Atul Kochhar (celebrity chef who will feature onboard Azura cooking in his retaurant Sindhu), Mayor of Southampton and Editor of the Daily Echo to help on the phones. Paddington Bear and Noddy also made an appearance!

As the evening started the excitement built, who was going to take the first donation, who would take the largest donation and who would eat the most Pizza! During the evening the call centre took over £100k in public donations.

In addition to taking public donations, Carnival UK raised an incredible £3177.51 for Comic Relief, with funds collected from a dress down day, silent auction, raffle and sponsored head shave!

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